Hi I'm Kamphey
My friends call me Kamphey -- You can too.
If you're looking for more professional info on what I do, sell, and work on go to BetterSheets.coThis site is more about who I am. Where I've been. What I'm seeking in the world and how I go about it.The man behind the myth.
This story begins not in my home town but my father's. Born in Buffalo, NY he went on vacation to Florida with his friends. Sitting on a dock one day he turned to his friends and said, "I think I'll be staying".Met my mother, a Brooklyn native transplant in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Her family all artists.My maternal grandfather owned a framing store for years. Where my aunt cut off her finger once.My paternal grandfather worked in a cereal factory and fished.Both my grandmothers were hard-nosed New Yorkers. I'm a soft man in spite of these wonderful women.I came into existence sometime in the 1980's.When my father was 32 he started his own business. I started my own business at 32 too.At 37 my father had me. At 37 I had a son. Coincidence?Even though I'm from the tropics of Florida, I now reside in a far off place, where there are still tourists.I'm turning 39 this year. Not sure what's in store for me over the next 2, or 20 years.